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Client of Kapitan Engineering receives Broadband Access Monies

USDA Rural Utilities Service Administrator Johnathan Adelstein and USDA Rural Development State Director Stan Gruszynski announced on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 the awarding of more than $5.2 million to the Reedsburg Utilities Commission for broadband infrastructure improvements and service expansion. The funding will extend an existing municipal fiber-to-the-premise network operated by the City of Reedsburg to the surrounding rural area to provide affordable advanced broadband service to residents and businesses that are currently confined to traditional dial-up, wireless, and satellite services.  This rural area of southwestern portion of Wisconsin is deficient in broadband services due to the hilly terrain and numerous valleys which severely limit wireless and satellite service coverage.  The award was accepted by Dave Mikonowicz, Reedsburg Utility Commission Manager.

Scott E. Carroll, P.E., of Kapitan Engineering, Inc. developed the winning design for the Utility.   In addition, Mr. Carroll coordinated the application and submitted it on behalf of Reedsburg Utility Commission. Only sixty-six projects nationwide have been granted thus far in the second round of broadband funding announcements through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

                         Award Presentation to Dave Mikonowicz                                                                   Reedsburg Utility Grant Certificate


Scott E. Carroll, P.E. and Mr. Adelstein.                                                      Mike Theis of Theis Communications Consulting                     

USDA News Release No. 0357.10