802 Franklin St. ò Sauk City, WI  53583









Press Room


Utility Design Services


Civil Engineering Services


Utility Surveying/

GIS Mapping




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Areas of Expertise
Today's broadband providers are faced with rapidly evolving technology, government mandates, and ever-increasing demands on in-house staff and resources. Kapitan Engineering provides the ideal, cost effective alternative to hiring additional staff - you'll avoid ongoing overhead and pay only for services needed and only when needed. Some of these services include: 

ò Broadband Network Planning & Design
ò Project Implementation
ò Construction Staking
ò Facilities Mapping & Data Services
ò Engineering Support Services
ò Operations Support Services
ò GPS Data Collection 
ò Geographical Information Systems
ò FCC Broadband CAF/ACAM Reporting

Our teams of exceptional engineers and technicians streamline your project and provide very personal attention to detail, using the latest state-of-the-art equipment and technology to ensure that your project receives quality engineering.

Company History

Kapitan Engineering, Inc. was founded in 1960 by Stephen J. Kapitan and located in Columbus, Wisconsin. Over the thirty-two years of operation, the company expanded to include both engineering and construction divisions. In 1975, the construction division was split off and became employee-owned as a completely separate entity.  Kapitan Engineering, Inc. remains today as a family-owned and operated Woman-owned Business Enterprise specializing primarily in fiber optic broadband network design and implementation for communications service providers, municipalities, corporate entities, healthcare facilities, state agencies, school districts, and university campuses     throughout Wisconsin.